Sunday, October 24, 2010

National Domain Name defeat ". COM"

Then something of value, if only shelved, also difficult to obtain public favor. CN domain name registration of the final volume to 5.3 million beyond the domestic COM domain names, its power is in the rich and wide range of applications.

Present, as Sina, Baidu, Sohu's fire performance of the Nasdaq in the United States, "China concept" strong impact with the international Internet community's attention, the most dazzling terms. However, the Internet's first side "flag" the rise is called lonely entrants, it is our familiar ". CN".


In the distant in October 1990, Professor Qian Tianbai behalf of the Chinese, the official in the Internet domain name registered distribution management center of China's top-level domain. CN, and established the first Chinese CN domain name server. Mysterious and strange at the time on the Internet, just as quietly plugging the side of "flag", from China has its own online identity.

聽聽聽 4骞村悗锛屼腑鍥藉叏鍔熻兘鎺ュ叆鍥介檯浜掕仈缃戯紝CN鍩熷悕鐨勯《绾ф湇鍔″櫒涔熺粨鏉熶簡鈥滄梾灞呪?寰峰浗鐨勫巻鍙诧紝姝e紡杩佸洖鍥藉唴銆?997骞碈N鍩熷悕娉ㄥ唽绠$悊鏈烘瀯鈥斺?涓浗浜掕仈缃戠粶淇℃伅涓績(涓嬬О鈥淐NNIC鈥?姝e紡缁勫缓锛孋N鍩熷悕鐨勫彂灞曠敱姝よ蛋鍑烘繁闄紝閫愭涓烘櫘閫氱綉姘戞墍鐔熸倝銆佹帴鍙椼?

聽聽聽 鍦–NNIC鎴愮珛涔嬪垵锛孋N鍩熷悕娉ㄥ唽閲忓彧鏈夊尯鍖?000鏉ヤ釜銆備絾鍒?005骞?鏈堬紝CN鍩熷悕娉ㄥ唽閲忓凡杈惧埌70澶氫竾涓紝鎴愪负浜氭床娉ㄥ唽閲忔渶澶х殑鍥藉椤剁骇鍩熷悕銆傚崐骞翠箣鍚庯紝CN鍩熷悕缁堜簬涓?妇绐佺牬鐧句竾锛屾垚涓哄叏鐞冪鍏ぇ鍥藉椤剁骇鍩熷悕銆傝繖涓?敞鍐岄噺鍦?006骞村勾搴曡鍒锋柊鍒?80澶氫竾涓紝鎺掑悕涔熶笂鍗囧埌涓栫晫绗洓浣嶃?

聽聽聽 鍘嗗彶鐨勬寚閽堝仠鐣欏湪2007骞?鏈堬紝CNNIC鍚戜笘鐣屽鍛婏紝CN鍩熷悕娉ㄥ唽鎬婚噺杈惧埌530涓囷紝澶у箙瓒呰秺COM鍩熷悕(Commercial organizations锛岀粍缁囧煙鍚?鍥藉唴娉ㄥ唽閲忥紝杩涘叆涓栫晫鍥藉椤剁骇鍩熷悕涓夌敳姒滃崟锛屽熀纭?祫婧愮殑寮哄娍鍙戝睍涓轰腑鍥戒簰鑱旂綉鍙戝睍娉ㄥ叆浜嗘柊鐨勫姪鎺ㄥ墏銆?br />
聽聽聽 鍏ㄦ皯鈥滅粌鍏碘?

聽聽聽 涓嶤N鍩熷悕鐨勮繀閫熷.澶х浉瀵瑰簲鐨勬槸锛?0骞翠箣鍓嶏紝涓浗浠呮嫢鏈?0涓囩殑缃戞皯锛?0骞翠箣鍚庯紝涓浗缃戞皯鏁伴噺鍒欑獊鐮翠簡1.4浜裤?鍏ㄦ皯鎬х殑搴旂敤淇冭繘CN鍩熷悕鍦ㄧ煭鏃堕棿鍐呭疄鐜颁簡澶ц法姝ョ殑璺宠穬寮忓彂灞曘?

聽聽聽 鍑轰簬瀵圭數瀛愭斂鍔″拰淇℃伅瀹夊叏鐨勯渶姹傦紝CN鍩熷悕鏈?棭鍦ㄦ斂搴滄満鏋勫緱鍒板箍娉涘簲鐢ㄣ?鍏ㄥ浗浜哄ぇ缃戙?涓浗鏀垮簻缃戙?鏂板崕缃戠瓑鍏崇郴鍥借姘戠敓鐨勭綉绔欓兘鍚敤浜咰N鍩熷悕浣滀负涓诲煙鍚嶏紝鍚勭骇鏀垮簻缃戠珯涔熺悍绾峰甫澶村姞寮哄煙鍚嶄娇鐢ㄨ鑼冿紝鐩墠楂樿揪97%鐨勭渷绾ф斂搴滅綉绔欏煙鍚嶈鑼冧娇鐢–N鍩熷悕銆傚幓骞村寳浜?008濂ヨ繍浼氭寮忓惎鐢╞eijing2008.CN涓诲煙鍚嶄篃涓?椂浼犱负浣宠瘽銆?br />
聽聽聽 鍦ㄦ斂搴滄満鏋勫惎鐢–N鍩熷悕鐨勭ず鑼冧笅锛屾捣灏斻?涓夋槦绛変紬澶氱煡鍚嶄紒涓氫竴娆℃?鏁扮櫨涓狢N鍩熷悕鐨勬敞鍐岃鍔ㄦ寲鎺樺嚭浜咰N鍩熷悕鐨勪环鍊兼墍鍦紱鑱斿悎鍒╁崕鎺ㄥ箍涓崕鐗欒啅鏃舵敞鍐寊hyg.cn鐨勮鍔ㄤ篃寮曞緱鍏朵粬浼佷笟鍦ㄦ帹骞挎椿鍔ㄤ腑鏁堜豢銆傚湪浜掕仈缃戝叕鍙稿拰鍥戒紒500寮虹瓑闆嗕綋鍚敤CN鍩熷悕琛屽姩鐨勫甫鍔ㄤ笅锛屾牴鎹潈濞佺粺璁★紝涓浗20涓富娴佽涓氫腑锛屽凡鏈?0%鐨勪紒涓氬惎鐢ㄤ簡CN鍩熷悕銆?br />
聽聽聽 鏀垮簻鍜屼紒涓氬CN鍩熷悕鐨勫簲鐢ㄧ粰缃戞皯鐨勭ず鑼冩晥搴旀槸宸ㄥぇ鐨勶紝杩欏姞閫熶簡澶т紬鍖栧簲鐢ㄧ殑鍒版潵銆傚緢澶氱綉姘戝紑濮嬩富鍔ㄥ皾璇曘?浣撻獙CN鍩熷悕鐨勫簲鐢紝骞跺湪鎺㈢储鍑烘柊鐨勫簲鐢ㄦā寮忥紝鍚稿紩鏇村鐨勪汉鍔犲叆锛屽舰鎴愪簡鑹?鐨勪簰鍔紝鐩存帴淇冭繘浜咰N鍩熷悕鐨勭垎鍙戙?

聽聽聽 CN澶у弽鏀?br />
聽聽聽 鐒惰?锛孋N鍩熷悕鐨勭垎鍙戠粷闈炴槸涓?绠?崟鐨勪豢鏁堣涓恒?

聽聽聽 鈥滀笉浠呭湪娉ㄥ唽鏉冪泭涓婃洿鏈変繚闅滐紝CN鍩熷悕鐨勬敞鍐屾墜缁篃鏇翠负绠?究蹇嵎銆佽闂洿涓虹ǔ瀹氥?鈥濅竴浣嶄粠COM鍩熷悕杞姇CN鍩熷悕搴旂敤鐨勬敞鍐岃?璇达紝瀵笴N鍩熷悕浠峰?鐨勯噸鏂拌璇嗭紝璁╀粬鎶涘純浜嗏?COM鍩熷悕鏄浗闄呯殑銆丆N鍩熷悕鏄浗鍐呯殑鈥濈殑閿欒瑙傚康銆?br />
聽聽聽 浣滀负CN鍩熷悕涓ゅぇ浠茶鏈烘瀯涔嬩竴锛屼腑鍥藉浗闄呯粡娴庤锤鏄撳鍛樹細鍩熷悕浜夎涓績绉樹功闀挎潕铏庤〃绀猴紝CN鍩熷悕鐢变腑鍥借嚜涓荤鐞嗭紝鍦ㄤ簤璁徊瑁佷腑閲囩敤涓枃璇█銆侀?鐢ㄤ腑鍥芥硶寰嬶紝鐩告瘮COM鍩熷悕鐢卞浗澶栨満鏋勪徊瑁佽?瑷?紝涓浗娉ㄥ唽鑰呭湪CN鍩熷悕浜夎涓幏鑳滃嚑鐜囪杩滆繙楂樺嚭锛岄伩鍏嶄簡鍦–OM鍩熷悕绾犵悍涓婇伃閬囩殑鍙嶅悜鍩熷悕鎺犲ず銆?br />
聽聽聽 鑰屾嵁CNNIC鎶?湳鎬荤洃鏉庢檽涓滀粙缁嶏紝涓轰簡瀹炵幇CN鍩熷悕璁块棶閫熷害鍜岀ǔ瀹氭?鐨勬彁楂橈紝CN鍩熷悕涓嶄粎鍦ㄥ幓骞村仛浜嗛噸鏂伴儴缃诧紝杩樹笌闊╁浗绛夊悎浣滃湪娴峰浜掓斁鏈嶅姟鍣紝鍒囧疄淇濋殰浜咰N鍩熷悕璁块棶鐨勭ǔ瀹氶珮鏁堛?杩戞湡锛孋NNIC姝e湪灏辨缇庤缃瓹N鍩熷悕灞曞紑璋堝垽锛屽苟鏈夋湜鎸鸿繘娆х編锛屼互鏂逛究娴峰鐢ㄦ埛璁块棶CN鍩熷悕銆?br />
聽聽聽 浣滀负涓浗浜掕仈缃戝熀纭?祫婧愶紝CN鍩熷悕鏄紒涓氱殑浜掕仈缃戝搧鐗屾爣璇嗭紝鏄腑鍥戒紒涓氶?寰?浗闄呭寲鐨勬ˉ姊侊紝涔熸槸璺ㄥ浗浼佷笟瀹炵幇鏈湡鍖栫殑閲嶈鎵嬫銆傚浜庝腑鍥藉箍澶х綉姘戞潵璇达紝CN鍩熷悕鍒欐槸浠栦滑涓嶅彲鎴栫己鐨勭綉缁滆韩浠借瘉锛屽洜涓哄畠浣撶幇浜嗕釜浜哄湪浜掕仈缃戜笂鐨勭嫭鏈夎韩浠姐?

聽聽聽 姣棤鐤戦棶锛孋N鍩熷悕杩欎簺浠峰?鍜岀壒鑹查?娓愯鍙戞帢鍜岃鍙紝鏄疌N鍩熷悕娉ㄥ唽閲忕獊鐮?30涓囥?鍦ㄥ浗鍐呰秴瓒奀OM鍩熷悕鐨勬牴鏈師鍥犮?

聽聽聽 鈥滀綔涓哄浗瀹跺煙鍚嶆敞鍐岀鐞嗘満鏋勶紝绠$悊缁存姢CN鍩熷悕鐨勮繍琛屾槸涓?釜閲嶈鑱岃兘锛屼篃鏄疌N鍩熷悕鍙戝睍鐨勫熀纭??鑰岃瀹炵幇CN鍩熷悕鍙戝睍鐨勭獊鐮达紝杩樺繀椤诲皧閲嶅競鍦鸿寰嬨?鈥滳NNIC鍔╃悊涓讳换鍒樺織姹熷鏄銆?br />


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Friday, October 15, 2010

Feeling so steady and VB API (1)

Write VB program, frequently encountered problem is that VB gives us something we would use to prepare, control Zuzhuang is a process, but once the VB did not want to implement functions provided directly, broke new. In fact, Windows operating system itself, we are prepared to give a lot of things, VB does not, perhaps Windows has. We certainly hope to spend less effort, a little more effect. Here to talk about the content of that - learn to use Windows to us what: API.

However, the learned one thing to pay a considerable effort, API is the same, it can bring great convenience to us, but want to grasp it, it is not so easy to use several control things. So in reading this article, hope that readers can adopt a correct attitude is to learn programming is not for fun, but for use; do not have their own interest and in this regard to see, but for the API is for you program brought effect to watch. I'm not saying everything is so serious and difficult, but on the VB API is already available for the application of advanced operator, so "serious" and "careful" is needed. Well, relax, let's step by step from now appreciate the benefits of it API.



All API called Application Programming Interface, literal translation, you might call it "application program interface." From the sense, API is an operating system or a program itself to other uses of the function. In the Windows operating system, there are thousands of functions available to the Windows application uses, the paper said the API, is that these functions.

2.VB and API

The reason I wrote this article (not written VC or other language) because VB is not a direct support to the API, and is incomplete; in use, Windows's API is the assumption that the caller when the preparation is the C or C + + language, VB API call is not very convenient, are often unnecessary errors or do not understand how to use the situation. This object is mainly a deep study on the API does not readers, if you do not want to know too much detail, you can use an appropriate function to move past, or you do not know the API, or only know a few, not many functions clear how, or if you wish to use the API from the article to learn more skills or techniques VB (hope I can let you learn), I think you should read this article. But there is a major premise, you must already be using VB's readers, as mentioned after the contents of an entire project from start to finish will not teach you to do, there may be a brief statement and call the code, it may be a combination of several functions, if necessary, will talk about the content of VB related skills, but will not have a complete instance of the model.

3. This principle and agreed

As the API usage in some simple, some complex, some can be used alone, but some not, with the primary purpose of each API is different from the first to say which is difficult to judge to say what can make people easier to understand, so as far as possible from this comparison Speaking of common, from can have a greater effect on the program talking about. In order to allow most people to understand, if related to other knowledge, but also will try to talk about, so readers can learn the knowledge to use API and can use the knowledge in this article meet the new API. An API if you have any questions, please email (, but due to time constraints, not on the letter to respond to, if necessary, will be described in the text.


Before talking about API, let me first explain some basic knowledge of VB API-related, will no longer be involved later in any detail. Not mentioned here will be the first contact in this article do explain.

1. Custom type

Type keywords you can use VB to an existing data type combinations, a new type, the type known as user-defined types. Such as:

Type NewType
sName As String
lNumber As Long
End Type

Define a custom type called NewType. After Dim MyType As NewType can define a variable of type NewType.

sName As String, there are two types of variables, one is longer, which runs the length of the string is variable, another is a fixed length, running the length of the string is fixed. Usual we define a string variable: Dim strA As String that defines a variable-length string, but when using the API often use the fixed-length string, it should be so defined: Dim strB As String backup bin bin_old conf config crawler.tar.gz crawler_bin.tar.gz data eshow eshow_sitemap.html google.html google.html.md5 log maint news: 10 news: 11 news: 12 news: 13 news: 14 news: 15 news: 16 news : 17 news: 18 news: 2 news: 3 news: 4 news: 5 news: 6 news: 7 news: 8 news: 9 outboundLinksMgr.sql seeds sitemap.html svn tasks tmp xml2dict-2008.6-tar.gz xml2dict-read- only 30, which defines a character can hold 30 bytes of variables.

2. Statement

Before using the API in VB, need to be declared on the API, the statement is to use the Declare keyword, such as:
Public Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long
Declares the API function called SendMessage. Many API's statement can be found in the API browser, and this paper describes an API will also give a statement when more in-depth knowledge will be described later.

3. Handle

API most frequently used word is probably "handle" the. If you want to put it more complicated, the handle can indeed say a lot, but as a VB application, we can be more simple to understand it. Can be said that handle is given Windows system memory for each object, including windows, buttons (actually also a window), or file, icons, menus, etc. all things identity. Like the so-called identity as identity cards, and will not be repeated, and corresponded to the actual object. Its role is to let Windows know to be the targets of the operation. Many VB controls provide a long form of the hWnd property, under normal circumstances, this property is the control handle to control the control with the API need to use this property when the.

4. Device context

Actually, I think "device context" read very strange word, but its literal terms, Device Context (DC, not the DC or DreamCast oh) is the mean, so many people called it. But I would like to translate as "intermediary device" Everyone should be easier to understand it. It is the role of computer equipment and procedures as an intermediary between, such as displays and procedures, or between the printer and between programs. In the operation of these devices when it is operated through the intermediary (and handle similar), some control, such as Picture, when drawing to the above, we must use the hDC property.


5. Explicit statement and automatically saved

By default, Visual Basic will not declare a variable that is a new variable (even if you're not careful typing error in a), it is prone to error, but also to identify such errors are often not easy. With API will basically involve the operation of the system itself, once the error is likely to occur Visual Basic crashes and even system crashes. So to set the Visual Basic option selected on the Require Variable Declaration (required variable declaration). In Enviroment (Environment) page When a program starts (when the program starts) Department elected Prompt To Save Changes (prompted to save) or Save Changes (auto save).杩欐牱Visual Basic浼氭鏌ュ彉閲忔槸鍚﹀凡缁忓0鏄庯紝涓嶅啀鍏佽娌℃湁澹版槑鐨勫彉閲忓嚭鐜颁簡銆?br />
銆??6.API娴忚鍣?br />
銆??鍓嶉潰璁测?澹版槑鈥濈殑鏃跺?鎻愬埌浜咥PI娴忚鍣紝杩欓噷涔熻涓?瀹冦?鍦ㄥ畨瑁呭畬VB鏃讹紝瀹夎绋嬪簭浼氭妸API娴忚鍣ㄥ鍒跺埌浣犵殑璁$畻鏈洪噷銆傚惎鍔ㄥ悗鐣岄潰濡傚浘1锛堜互VB6涓哄噯锛夈?鍙互鐪嬪埌锛屼粠API娴忚鍣ㄩ噷鎴戜滑鍙互寰楀埌API鐨勫0鏄庛?甯搁噺鍊间互鍙婁笌API鐩稿叧鐨勮嚜瀹氫箟绫诲瀷鐨勫畾涔夈?鍏朵腑Declare Scope锛堝0鏄庤寖鍥达級鏄寚璇ュ0鏄庢槸鍏湁鐨勮繕鏄鏈夌殑銆傚浜庡湪鏍囧噯妯″潡涓殑澹版槑锛屽鏋滃0鏄庝负绉佹湁锛屽垯鍙璇ユā鍧楁湁鏁堬紝濡傛灉涓哄叕鏈夛紝鍒欏鏁翠釜绋嬪簭閮芥湁鏁堛?鍦ㄧ獥浣撴ā鍧椾腑鍙兘澹版槑涓虹鏈夈?


銆??MSDN鏄井杞彂甯冪殑涓?瀹屾暣鐨刉indows寮?彂鑰呮妧鏈枃妗o紙濡傚浘2锛夈?閲岄潰涓嶄粎鏈塚B銆乂C锛嬶紜銆乂FP銆丮SDEV銆乂SS绛夊紑鍙戝伐鍏风殑瀹屾暣甯姪锛岃?涓斿寘鍚簡Windows骞冲彴寮?彂鐨勫嚑涔庢墍鏈夌殑鎶?湳璧勬枡锛屽苟涓嶆柇鍦版洿鏂般?鎴戜滑闇?鐨凙PI璧勬枡杩欓噷閮芥湁寰堣缁嗙殑璇存槑锛屽寘鎷娇鐢ㄥ钩鍙般?鍙傛暟绫诲瀷銆佸弬鏁颁綔鐢ㄧ瓑锛堝綋鐒跺畠骞堕潪瀹屽叏姝g‘锛岄敊璇殑鍦版柟涔熸椂鏈夊嚭鐜帮級銆備笉杩囦綔涓轰互C涓哄熀纭?殑API锛岃繖閲岀殑璧勬枡鏄嫳鏂囩殑锛岃?涓旀牸寮忎篃鏄疌璇█鏍煎紡銆傛兂瑕佽鎳傦紝閭d綘鐨勮嫳鏂囨按骞冲拰C璇█灏辫鏈変袱鎶婂埛瀛愪簡銆備笉杩囦笉蹇呮媴蹇冿紝瀹冨彧鏄垜寤鸿涓?畾瑕佹湁鐨勫弬鑰冩枃妗o紝鏈?噸瑕佺殑杩樻槸鎴戞帴涓嬫潵瑕佽鐨勫唴瀹癸紝瀹冧笉浠呮槸涓枃鐨勶紝杩樻槸VB鐨勶紝鍙堟湁浣跨敤绀轰緥锛岃繕鏈夌浉鍏崇煡璇嗚瑙c?璁颁綇MSDN鍙槸鍙傝?鏂囨。锛屼綔鐢ㄥ氨濂藉儚瀛楀吀锛屽彲鍗冧竾涓嶈涔颁簡涓?MSDN灏辫窇鍘昏窡鍒汉璇翠綘宸茬粡鍙樺緱澶氬帀瀹充簡锛屼笉鐒垛?鈥?br />
銆??椤轰究璇翠竴璇达紝浠ュ墠鐨凪SDN鏄弻CD鐨勶紝鐜板湪宸茬粡鍙樻垚3CD浜嗐?濡傛灉涔扮殑璇濆簲灏介噺涔版渶鏂扮殑锛堜絾娌℃湁蹇呰姣忔鏇存柊閮芥崲涓?锛夛紝鍥犱负鏇存柊鐨勭増鏈妸涓?簺閿欒鏀规浜嗭紝骞跺鍔犱簡鏂扮殑鍐呭锛屾瘮濡傛渶鏂扮殑MSDN宸茬粡澧炲姞浜嗚澶歐indows XP鐨勫唴瀹广?浣犲彲浠ヤ粠寰蒋鐨勪腑鍥界綉绔欒鍒拌繖濂楁枃妗o紝涓嶈繃涓?勾鐨勪环閽变粠涓?竾鍑犲埌涓変竾鍑狅紝涔颁笉璧风殑璇濃?鈥﹁嚜宸辨兂鍔炴硶鍚с?


銆??绗竴璇?浠庢秷鎭璧?br />
銆??鐢变簬杩欐槸銆婄粏姘撮暱娴佽瘽API銆嬬殑绗竴璇濓紝鎴戝繀椤绘敞鎰忓埌鎵?鐨勫唴瀹硅绠?崟锛屽苟涓旇浣犳湁鑰愬績鍙互鐪嬪埌寰?悗鐨勬枃绔狅紝鎵?互鎴戝笇鏈涘彲浠ラ?杩囦竴涓瘮杈冪壒鍒殑渚嬪瓙鏉ュ紩璧蜂綘鐨勬敞鎰忥紙杩欐牱鐨勬儏鍐典笉浼氭?鏄湁鐨勶級銆傝鎴戜滑鎯虫兂锛孷B閲岀殑CommandButton鎺т欢璁╂垜浠彲浠ュ仛浠?箞锛熸寜涓嬨?寮硅捣锛岃繕鏈夊憿锛熻鐪嬬湅鍥?锛岃繖鏍风殑鎯呭喌鍦ㄤ綘鐨勭▼搴忚繍琛屾椂鍑虹幇杩囧悧锛?br />
銆??Windows鏄互娑堟伅鏉ヤ紶閫掍俊鎭殑銆傚綋鍑虹幇鏌愪釜鎿嶄綔锛屾瘮濡傛寜閽鎸変笅锛屽氨浜х敓鎸夐挳琚寜涓嬬殑娑堟伅銆傛秷鎭浼犻?鍒拌鎿嶄綔瀵硅薄锛堟寜閽級锛屼簨浠跺氨浜х敓浜嗐?搴旀敞鎰忎笉鏄寜閽骇鐢熸秷鎭紝鑰屾槸Windows鐭ラ亾杩欎釜鎿嶄綔鐨勫彂鐢燂紝鍚戞寜閽彂閫佽繖涓秷鎭紝鎸夐挳鏀跺埌鍚庡啀鍋氱浉搴旂殑澶勭悊鈥斺?濡傛敼鍙樺瑙傛垚涓烘寜涓嬬殑鐘舵?銆?br />

銆??SendMessage鐨勫0鏄庡墠闈㈠凡缁忚杩囷紙娉ㄦ剰浠ublic寮?ご搴旀斁鍦ㄦ爣鍑嗘ā鍧椾腑锛屽惁鍒欑敤Private寮?ご锛夛紝瀹冪殑鍚勪釜鍙傛暟涓紝hwnd鏄璞$殑鍙ユ焺锛寃Msg鏄秷鎭殑鍊硷紙鍏蜂綋浠?箞娑堟伅锛夛紝鍙﹀涓や釜鍙傛暟鏍规嵁涓嶅悓娑堟伅鍜屼笉鍚屽簲鐢ㄦ湁涓嶅悓鐨勫?銆?br />
銆??浣犵湅鍒扮殑鍥?鐨勬儏鍐碉紝鏄敱浜庢垜鐨勭▼搴忓悜Command Button鎺т欢鍙戦?浜哤M_NCLBUTTONDOWN娑堟伅銆傝繖涓秷鎭彂鐢熷湪榧犳爣鍦ㄧ獥鍙g殑闈炲鎴峰尯鍩熶笂鎸変笅鏃躲?鎵?皳闈炲鎴峰尯鍩燂紝浣犲彲浠ョ悊瑙f垚涓?釜绐楀彛鐨勮竟缂樺拰鏍囬鏍忥紙褰撶劧鏄寚涓?埇鎯呭喌锛岃繖绉嶆儏鍐垫槸鍙互琚▼搴忔敼鍙樼殑锛夈?


Private Sub cmdResize_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim nParam As Long

With cmdResize
''涔嬫墍浠ュ湪0鍜?00涔嬮棿浠ュ強涓嬮潰 .Width-100 鍜?.Width 涔嬮棿锛屾槸璁╅紶鏍囧彧鍦ㄦ寜閽竟缂樻墠鍙互鎷夊姩鎸夐挳
If X > 0 And X < 100 Then
nParam = HTLEFT
ElseIf X > .Width - 100 And X < .Width Then
nParam = HTRight
End If
If nParam Then
Call ReleaseCapture
Call SendMessage(.hwnd, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, nParam, 0)
End If
End With
End Sub


銆??鍙互鐪嬪埌锛屾垜璁╅紶鏍囨媺鍔ㄦ寜閽椂锛屾媺鎸夐挳宸﹁竟鏄敤 HTLEFT鍋氬弬鏁帮紝鎷夊彸杈规槸鐢℉TRIGHT鍋氬弬鏁般?杩欎袱涓兘鏄父閲忥紝鍙互浠嶢PI娴忚鍣ㄤ腑寰楀埌鍊笺?鍚屾牱鐨勶紝鑻ユ兂鎷夋寜閽殑涓婇潰鍜屼笅闈紝鍙敤HTTOP鍜孒TBOTTOM鍋氬弬鏁帮紝鑰?HTTOPLEFT鍜孒TBOTTOMRIGHT鍒欏垎鍒槸宸︿笂瑙掑拰鍙充笅瑙掋?

銆??鍦ㄥ彂閫佹秷鎭箣鍓嶆湁涓?釜ReleaseCapture鐨凙PI銆傝繖涓狝PI鏄Windows閲婃斁瀵归紶鏍囩殑鎹曟崏浠ヤ究浣块紶鏍囦綅缃殑淇℃伅涓嶈兘琚敹鍒帮紝CommandButton涓嶇煡閬撻紶鏍囧湪鍝噷锛屼篃灏变笉浼氬彂鐢熸寜閽湪杩欐椂琚寜涓嬬殑鎯呭喌銆傚綋鐒讹紝鍙互鏀惧績锛學indows閲婃斁瀵归紶鏍囩殑鎹曟崏鍙槸鏆傛椂鐨勶紝褰撲綘鏀惧紑榧犳爣鍐嶆鍙戠敓绉诲姩鏃讹紝Windows鍙堜細鎹曟崏榧犳爣浜嗏?鈥斿畠鏄椂鏃堕兘鍦ㄥ彂鐢熺殑銆?br />

Private Sub cmdResize_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim NewPointer As MousePointerConstants

With cmdResize
If X > 0 And X < 100 Then
NewPointer = vbSizeWE
ElseIf X > .Width - 100 And X < .Width Then
NewPointer = vbSizeWE
NewPointer = vbDefault
End If
If NewPointer <> .MousePointer Then
.MousePointer = NewPointer
End If
End With

End Sub

銆??浣滅敤寰堟槑鏄撅紝鑰屼笖寰堢畝鍗曪紝鎵?互鎴戝氨涓嶅杩欐浠g爜浣滆В閲婁簡銆?br />
銆??杩欎釜渚嬪瓙寰堢畝鍗曪紝浣嗙浉淇¤捣鐨勪綔鐢ㄦ槸涓嶅皬鐨勩?SendMessage鍙互鍙戦?寰堝娑堟伅锛屽綋鐒舵垜涓嶄細瀵硅繖浜涙秷鎭竴涓?綔瑙i噴锛屼絾浠ュ悗杩樻槸浼氱粡甯告帴瑙﹀埌鐨勶紝鎵?互鏇村鐨勭煡璇嗗氨绛夋參鎱㈠啀瀛﹀惂銆?br />
锛堟簮绋嬪簭涓嬭浇閾炬帴:锛?br />


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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fireworks produced way back in effect

Take a look at the effect of the following diagram

A long time ago In "> seen this effect in the diagram, the book is only a proposal put to it, no detailed explanation. These days, I try to put it in FW 4.0 in painting out, the joy of achievement not exclusive, this production method today to donate to satisfy enthusiasts. This is a comprehensive example, through this case study, I believe you can get a lot of inspiration. We are three parts to produce, background, movement of the masts and crossing, the car scene.

1 Background

1. New File, 300 * 240, the background color is white, select the Tools pull-out with the aid of two vertical and horizontal lines, so that their intersection is located in the center of the editor, we have to be good at using auxiliary lines, because it can bring convenience to our work .

2. Select the rectangle tool in the Tools panel, drag in the editor to draw a rectangle the size of half the size of editing area. And then open the Fill panel, select the fill mode for the linear linear filling, open the edit edit the color (from dark green to light green) , with the tools panel on the bucket tool to change the direction of fill from top to bottom. and then draw a rectangle the same size, on the upper part of the editor, line fill for the dark blue to light blue. the final result shown in Figure

3. In the Tools panel using the pen tool, outline the contours of coming out, fill color is dark green, it Edit> Clone cloning, Modify> Fransform> Flip horizontal horizontal flip, move right, transparent set of 60. Results in Figure

4. Now, we built the road, with a pen tool path outlined in the editor, fill color to R: 68 G: 68 B: 85,

5. Double-click the Layer1 layer, in the pop-up dialog box, to share across frames in front of the box checked on the sharing of this layer.

Well, we had been developed on the background, I started working on making the following poles and crossing the movement.

Two poles and crossing movements

1. New layer Layer2, which is the focus of this case, I tried to say something in detail, we understand the heart. In the three mask layers to create animation, one to the left of the pole mask animation, a right movement of the poles mask animation, and then a downward movement of zebra mask animation. This gives the impression that the forward movement of the.

2. Draw the pole before moving to the left when moving mask graphics, pole from far to near, the eyes see is a small change big, so the left side of the mask map applications such paint pen tool

3. Then the left side of the mask tuklung (edit> clone), after turning into the right level, making it the right pole movement mask diagram.

4. Downward movement of the mask then crossing out pictures, use the pen tool to draw a white triangle, along the road to close from far larger, and then clone a horizontal flip, put it on the other side of the road , select the two white triangles of these two white triangles groups modify> group.

5. Three directions of the mask picture came out, the production of mast movement animation instead. Do not rush, choose the pole draw Insert> New Symbol, in the pop-up dialog box in front of the Graphic check, we have to edit the poles of this new symbol. Draw a rectangle with the rectangle tool, then Edit> Clone Clone, drag it to the other side, and then cloned several, all good clone selection rectangle, Modify> Align> Top (top alignment), Modify> Align> Distribute widths (standard uniform distribution). to their group group, Modify> Group. The results shown in Figure

6. Insert> New symbol, and then create a new symbol in the pop-up dialog, then we put in front of the square symbol on the Graphic, but this time we have built some of the rectangular cross section, remember, the fill color to the rectangle and road Like, R: 68 G: 68 B: 85, with the method we have continuously cloned Edit> Clone, Modify> Align> Distribuet heights vertical contour, what's the use of this symbol??? first secrecy,:) to These rectangular groups modify> group results in Figure

Well, we do two symbols of the following, we give them with animation.


7. Create a pole to the left of the animation, Insert> New symbol, the pop-up dialog box, rename it to us to 1 (convenience in mind, my English is not so bad) to animation (animation) on the front of the square symbol , we mast from the symbols library panel onto the pop-up animation editing area, edit> clone, the clone of the pole a little to the left, moving to three-quarters of the distance between two locations, shown in Figure . Because we have to build four animation frames, the frames of the displacement is very important, if the pitch is not good, then the animation does not seem coherent with the feeling of beating. After you have done in the design of animation to remember this. select the two symbols, edit> symbol> tween instances in pop-up box, enter 2 in the frames, to Distribute to Fames in front of the box checked on, ok sure.

8. Production of mast right movement animation, Insert ---- New symbol, the pop-up dialog box, rename it to us for 2 to Animation in front of the square symbol on the pole sign from the Library panel, drag to animation editing area, to clone the same pole of a symbol, Edit> Clone, clone out the pole sign to the right point, and just said the same, moving to three-quarters of the distance between two locations, Fig. At the same time to select them, Edit> Symbol> Tween Instances, in the pop-up dialog box, the number of frames set to 2, to Distribute to Fames in front of the box checked on, ok sure

9. Make a downward movement of the animation, Insert --- New symbol, the pop-up dialog box, name we give it 3, the Animation, variant on the front, this time to another symbol in the Library panel horizontal rectangle symbol1 Drag the animation editor, we want to be a downward movement of the animation. Edit> Clone cloning, the cloning of the symbols move down a little distance, as shown. and then Modify> Symbol> Tween instances on the same appear in front of the box and set .

The direction of movement of the animation of three also completed the following animation to see how we can make a mask.

10. In Layer2, from the Library panel, drag an animation, select the edit area on the left of the mask graphic Edit> Cut to cut it, and then select the animation 1, Edit> Paste as mask paste into a mask. Thus, a line bar to the left of the mask on the generated animation. The results shown in Figure

11. Then pulled out from the Library panel animation 2, the right mask graphics Edit> cut, select the animation 2, Edit> paste as mask. Masts to right the mask is also generated animation. Figure

12. Then pulled out from the Library panel, animated 3, this time to pay attention, and in front of two different mask animation, this time we want animation 3 Cut, select the animation 3, Edit> Cut, then select the white line Edit> Paste inside. The results shown in Figure

13. You point the editor of the play button. To see what effect??? Haha, now know that this symbol it uses the results shown in Figure ..

Well, masts and the effect of crossing out, we take a break, it is tough, do you want a cup of coffee? :)

Three-car scene

Car body

1. Open the Frame panel, back to the first frame frame1 build a new layer Layer3, with the rectangle tool, drag in the editor and the editor of a rectangle the same size, fill color is black, and then use the rectangle tool to drag a small point of the rectangle, as This convenient, fill color to yellow, as shown, select the two rectangles, Modify --- Combine --- Puch,

2. Open the Effect panel, select Bevel and Emboss> Inner bevel menu, open the panel in the following set

3. At this point the effect of such a plan should be


Three-car scene

Car plate

1. Tools panel in the Oval tool to draw a circle hold down the Shift key, Edit> Clone to clone a, clone of the circle to Modify> Transform> Numeric transform the open panel set as follows, so we get a percentage of the original size 75 per round.

2. Select these two and a small circle, modify> combine> puch. Fill color set to # 333366, we get a ring

3. The same way, let us draw a bigger ring out in the editing area with the rectangle tool drag to draw a rectangle, select the rectangle and the big ring, shown in Figure

4. Modify> Combine> Intersect, received a section of a circle, it also set the fill color # 333366, use the zoom tool in the toolbox it appropriate scale, and the ring to match it, and select We first painted it a good ring, Modify> Combine> Union. The results shown in Figure

5. Then open the Effect panel, select Bevel and Emboss> Inner Bevdl menu, open the panel settings in Figure

6. Hold down the Shift key with the oval tool to draw a small circle, big circle in the center of it, (you can open the auxiliary line, hold down the Shift and Alt keys while dragging picture) rings of the same color and fill # 333366, and then open the Effect panel , select Bevel and Emboss> Inner bevel settings and as above it. circle it and select, Modify --- Group group. The results shown in Figure

The car plate to move to the lower left, and now we continue to draw other objects inside the car.

Three-car scene

Car plate bracket

1. Draw with the rectangle tool drag a small rectangle, and then open the Effect panel, Bevel and Emboss> Inner bevel settings in the dialog box that pops up the following

2. Move it to a flat bottom, to realistic, with the deformation tool rotation angle point, the effect shown in Figure

Car's gas gauge and light

In this production process, not emphasized the size of each component, how much paint to the seat of your pants, as long as its own feel Haojiu Xing. :)

1. Draw with the rectangle tool drag a rectangle, cloning the rectangle, the cloned rectangle reduce the length and width of 10 pixels each, and select the large and one small rectangular Combine> Punch, and then open the Effect panel, Bevel and Emboss> Inner bevel settings in the pop-up menu shown in Figure

2. In this box, and put tables and light oil, draw a circle and about the size of a rectangle, fill color to green in Figure

3. Draw a smaller dark green small round, and then clone it to three, were placed in the position shown in Figure

4. Draw a fill color for the small black rectangle, and then clone it several months (as the case flexibility), the use of aligned, horizontal, vertical distribution of the average order, arranged in the shape you want. Them arranged in the following styles here

5. Draw a rectangle, open the Effect panel, Bevel and Emboss> Inner bevel, in the pop-up dialog box, adjust the appropriate parameters. Cloned it three, up and down in order. The final results and the similarity on the line graph

The parts of the car have been completed, because this is the first frame (frame1), if the jump to the second frame (frame2), you will find we have just painted the whole car parts missing. Now we think about it, the car movement, which some kind of parts will be moving?

Yes, car wheel moves, the oil form and light of grid will move so much easier to handle. New layer of layer4, the layer4 layer onto layer3 layer below, while the body, frame, oil dial, ... ... ... ... ... ... drag and drop layer4 layer, double-click layer4 level board, to share across frames in front of the box Check on the sharing of this layer

6. Back layer3 layer, this layer a flat, small dots, small black rectangular block all selected. Edit> Copy, copy them down, open the Frame panel, and then click in the second frame frame2, the third frame frame3, the fourth frame frame4 paste (Edit> Paste)

4 adjust the frames of animation

1. In the first frame, put the little dot above the fill color set to red, to a pole with lights above, draw a circle, fill color to # 00ffff open the Effect panel, caussian blur Gaussian blur, fuzzy value 4.0. and then cloned several were on the pole, the note in front of bright lights, so we give it with Glow glow, parameter own master, because I own painting Debu Okay. More distant light to dark, so the transparency should be appropriate to reduce the distance the light more.

2. In the second frame, with a rotating tool to rotate a small car wheel angle, the right of the fill color set to red dot. To the top of the black block removed a few, to the pole with lights on, methods, and have said so. Results shown in Figure

3. In the third frame frame3 in the following colors to fill a small dot of red, black blocks randomly delete a few, do not forget to add lights to the mast. Results shown in Figure

4. In the fourth frame, but also the car plate with a rotating tool to turn a small angle to the left of the red dot is filled, so that the red dot on top from the first frame in turn to the left of the fourth frame, as if is in a circle. The black block to delete a few. To the mast with light.

Well, we finally completed our production journey, tired and is tired a bit. When you see your masterpiece on your screen gallops forward, you will be proud, congratulate you, your skills have improved a step.

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